Pet Dental Care For Knoxville Dogs & Cats

Proper care of the mouth and teeth is scientifically proven to extend our pets’ lives. Every time your pet has a wellness visit, we perform a thorough examination of his or her oral cavity. Cedar Bluff Animal Clinic may recommend regular cleanings as part of a dental routine to protect your pet’s health.

A visual examination cannot detect all abnormalities. Much of the dental disease is located below the gum line. We take digital dental x-rays under anesthesia to find out if more treatment is in order.
Many pets require regular cleanings, and we always make our recommendations for your individual dog or cat based on age, breed, and lifestyle. In addition to cleaning, we also can perform mass removals and tooth extractions when needed. Our veterinarians will discuss the details of any procedures that will benefit your pet, and we take the time to make sure you have any and all of the information you need.
Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy at Home
In addition to regular visits to Cedar Bluff Animal Clinic to clean and polish above and below the gum line, we recommend brushing your pet’s teeth at home. Although they are not a replacement for professional cleanings, we can advise you on specific foods and special treats to give your pet. These might be a beneficial extra to your pet’s regular dental care.
Call us today to learn more about dental care for your pet.